...also entitled, "In Which We Wear Flannel PJs All Day"
Our town and the outlying areas have had a lot of snow this year. Coupled with sub zero temperatures, local public and private schools have been closed quite a few days. Ben, who attends public high school, has been off too many times to count. Today is yet another snow day. We were supposed to have friends over for the day but they didn't think they could get their van out of their snowy driveway. Plus, several of my homeschooled kids are sick. Nothing serious, just head and chest colds. They are too sick to dress in street clothing, too sick for chores and intensive schoolwork ;) but not too sick to drink hot tea and play poker. They are betting things like pennies, baseball cards, religious medals (there might be some sort of sacrilege there?), unblown balloons, hair bows, Slim Jims, silly bands and fish hooks. My living room looks like this...

I love the pace of a snow day/sick day. It is a welcome respite from the often fast pace of life in a (sort of) large family even if it is filled with kleenex, cough drops and wool blankets strewn about.
Plans for the afternoon...eat chicken soup, drink more tea (we are currently addicted to this and this), read Snowflake Bentley, look at his photographs and make some more snowflakes for the windows. :)

I hope you all are staying warm on this wintery, blustery day!