Today is a great day for me to catch up on all that laundry that has been haunting me for the past few days. Pre-baby #4, I was washing every day but have found myself scrambling to get it done these days. The joke around here is that when the children start to wear Halloween costumes as clothing, it's time to do the laundry. When Mary showed up to the table this morning wearing a pink poodle costume, I knew it was that time again.
I love to hang out the clothes to dry on a clothesline. I used to think it was old fashioned and time consuming to do it this way but the reality is that the clothes dry faster in the sun on the line than they do in my dryer, especially in this 95 degree heat. My grandma used to hang all of her laundry on the line, outside in the summer, downstairs in the winter. I have fond memories of living with her and helping her do her wash every Monday. After she brought in the laundry from the line, she ironed it all. I recall watching her iron underwear, sheets, undershirts of my father's. The only things that I did not see her iron were towels and socks. I iron only when necessary and never the sheets or underclothes! :)
Don't you just love the fresh clean scent of sheets hung on the line to dry? When you fall into bed and lay your head on the pillowcase, the scent of sun, fresh air and sweet clover just make it impossible not to fall asleep with a smile on your face. Ever spend a day in the sun, on a boat with the wind blowing through your hair, only to fall into bed and snooze like a baby, your lungs full of fresh air? Sheets on the line have the same soporific effect, an instant ticket to a blissful night's sleep.
We have two retractable clothes lines on our property. One is at a lower level for the littles to hang up their things. This is a fun and satisfying activity for the children to do. The children, from about the age of two, can take a clothespin from the bag that is hanging on the line and practice hanging their clothing to dry. As they get older, they can be quite helpful by hanging the family's wash on the line without assistance.
Speaking of hanging the wash, I just have to share this picture, which is one of my favorite images of Our Lady. I really like the paintings of her doing everyday things.
The sweet little Christ child sitting on the ground always makes me smile.