In the summer months, we attend quite a few local Irish festivals. My husband's grandfather's family is from County Kerry. While I, myself, do not seem to have an ounce of Irish blood in my veins, I am forever being mistaken as being of Irish descent due to my fair freckled skin and dark hair.
Anyhow, we are quite fond of traditional Irish music and have been listening to a fair share of Solas. Have you heard this wonderful band as of yet? We also have this CD of theirs as well. If you scroll down the page, you can listen to some of the songs by clicking on the links. Good stuff.
Add to it our current read alouds which include Red Hugh: Prince of Donegal and The Cottage at Bantry Bay series for my oldest, plus A Symphony for the Sheep for the littles, and we have a wee Irish unit study in the making.