I have been wanting to organize our family's Advent devotions for years. Those of you who asked what devotions we use with our Advent log have helped me to get organized. :)
We use a combination of several books. One, "Celebrate While We Wait" by Schroeder is, sadly, out of print. Many of the prayers, Scripture readings and daily topics listed below come from that book. We also have used prayers and ideas from "Celebrating Advent and Christmas", a Women for Faith and Family publication. I also glean much from "The Year and Our Children" by Mary Reed Newland (also OOP) and "A Book of Feasts and Seasons" by Joanna Bogle.
I want to stress that this is what my family does. Obviously, the following text does not carry an imprimatur or nihil obstat. It is most certainly lacking in areas but it works for us. Know that I share it because our family has thoroughly enjoyed these devotions but that we are always searching for ways to make the Advent season richer.
Each evening, we light a candle on our Advent log and do the following devotions, which I will be posting one week at a time over the next ten days or so.
First Week
Sunday-First Day of Advent (Stir Up Sunday)
What exactly is Advent?
Advent is the liturgical season of the Church year that comes just before Christmas. The word Advent means “coming” or “arrival”. Who is coming? What exactly are we waiting for?
Advent is four weeks of waiting for Christmas to come. It is a time for us to remember how people thousands of years ago waited for the Savior to be born.
Catholic families often use and Advent wreath or Advent log to keep track of the days in this special season. In our wreaths or logs, we place candles that are lit each week (wreath) or day (log). The candles remind us that Jesus is the light of the world. He lights our lives with his Love.
Advent is also a time to remember why Jesus came to this world. It is a time to think about the ways that we are unfaithful to God and to be sorry for our sins. We are thankful that God forgives our sins and loves us so very much. Remembering our sins and feeling sorry for them is called penitence. The color violet is a symbol of penitence. The candles on the Advent log or wreath are usually violet as are the priests garments during Advent. Because Jesus came to forgive our sins, we will live forever with Him in heaven. You can decorate your advent wreath or log with evergreens, either real or artificial, to symbolize eternal life.
Now you know what Advent is, a time to wait for Christmas, the birth of Jesus.
Stir up thy power, O Lord, and come, that by thy protection we may be rescued from the dangers that beset us through our sins, and be a redeemer to deliver us: Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
(Many families use “Stir Up Sunday” to begin to “stir up” the fruits of the baking season. Here is a delicious, (not heavy) recipe for White fruitcake, which, if made early in Advent, will keep in a tin for Christmas)
Bible readings:
Isaiah 56:1, 59:19-21
Songs (The Von Trapp Family Blog has two great posts on Advent hymns:
O Come O Come Emmanuel
The King of Glory
Action: Turn out all the lights in your home and light the first candle on your wreath or log. Talk about the symbolism with your family.
Blessing of the Advent Log/Wreath:
Father: Our help is in the Lord.
All: Who hath made Heaven and Earth
Father: Let us Pray. O God, by whose word things are sanctified, pour forth Thy blessing upon this wreath and grant that we who use it may prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ and may receive from Thee abundant graces. Through Christ our Lord.
First Week
Monday Second Day of Advent
We are part of a Family.
We all have families that love us. God has blessed us with a mother and a father, sisters and brothers. But Advent reminds us that we are also in God’s family. As we wait for Christmas to come, we remember that God the Father promised to send His Son to be our Brother. God always keeps his promises. Jesus made it possible for us to be in God’s family by joining our human family when he came to earth as a little baby.
If Jesus is my brother and your brother, and if God is your father and my father, then we are all related, in the same family. This big family of Christians is called the Church. So while we are waiting together as a family for Christmas to come, we are also waiting together with the whole Church family of Christians around the world.
Our own family, in our home is important. What are some things that families do together? Are we a family who cares about each other? Do we pray for each other, worship together and learn together? Lets practice being that kind of family during the time of Advent. Lets get our hearts ready for Jesus’ arrival by being kind to the family God has given us.
Come, Lord Jesus, Come. Come into our home. Come into our hearts. Light up out lives with your love. Teach us how to love each other. Amen.
Bible readings:
Ephesians 1:3-10, 4:1-6
O Come O Come Emmanuel
The King of Glory
Christmas Song of your choosing to practice learning
To Do:
Maybe your family would like to make Christmas ornaments of yourselves and your relatives and friends to hang on your tree. You can take old photos and fashion simple ornaments to hang from the branches of your tree.
Week One
Day Three Tuesday
Waiting can be hard. What makes waiting for anything-or anyone-- hard to do? Why are we impatient?
Can you name some “instant” things that we are accustomed to? (make your own list)
What are some things for which we must wait (besides Christmas) ? Are any of those things worth waiting for? Why or why not?
Before God the Father sent His Son to Earth, He waited. (Hundreds and thousands of years.) While He waited, His people did too. Sometimes they were impatient. Sometimes they did not believe that God would keep His promise.
Did God keep His promise? Yes, He did. While His people waited, they learned a lot about themselves and God. They learned how to wait.
Now, we are waiting too. What can we learn about ourselves while we wait? What can we learn about God? What can we learn about waiting? There are some clues in these bible verses:
I waited patiently for the Lord; He…heard my cry. (Psalm 40:1)
Make me to know Your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in truth, and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation. For You, I wait all day long. (Psalm 25:4-5)
The Lord is the everlasting God…He does not faint or grow weary….They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:28, 31)
God, forgive us for being impatient with You. Teach us to wait for Your blessings. Teach us to trust in your everyday love. Come Lord Jesus, Come. Amen.
Songs: O Come O Come Emmanuel
The King of Glory
Christmas song of your choosing
Bible Readings: Psalm 62
Isaiah 25:6-9
Isaiah 30:18
To do: Practice waiting your turn to speak when others are talking. Put yourself last in line to receive dinner or dessert. Try to wait patiently while your brother or sister plays with your toys.
Week One
Day Four Wednesday
What Are We Waiting For?
Whose birthday are we celebrating on Christmas day? The word Christmas means Christ’s Mass. It is the birthday of Jesus, the Son of God and second person of the Blessed Trinity. Christmas is a birthday party, a very special birthday party.
But, how can we have a birthday party for someone who isn’t here?
Let’s think about birthday parties. What do we celebrate at a birthday party?
Is it the date we celebrate? No, not really. It is the person we celebrate, isn’t it? A birthday party celebrates that someone is, that someone is special, that someone is here , with us now.
Jesus still is. He’s certainly special and He is here with us now. He is in the hearts and lives of all those who love Him and believe in Him. So we can have a birthday party for Jesus by having a party with each other on Christmas Day.
That’s one reason we exchange Christmas presents. In a way, it is like giving presents to Jesus. The gifts also remind us of the great gift God gave us when He sent Jesus to live and die and rise again for us.
As we wait for Christmas, let us remember what we are waiting for, who we are waiting for. We are waiting to give a party for Jesus, not for ourselves. We’re waiting to celebrate once more God’s most special gift to us--his Son, our Savior. Let us show our love for Jesus by treating one another kindly, with charity, throughout the Advent season. That will be the best gift of all for the Christ Child on Christmas day.
Thank you God for sending Jesus to be our Savior. Thanks you for giving us time to celebrate His birthday. Be in our hearts and bless us. Help us to be good gifts to each other. Amen.
Bible Readings: Matthew 25:31-40, Colossians3:14-17
Songs: O Come O Come Emmanuel
The King of Glory
Christmas Song of your choosing
To do: Discuss your plans for Jesus’ birthday party. Will you have a birthday cake? What flavor cake and icing? Will you have decorations? Will ou have a gift? For whom?
Week One
Day Five Thursday
Why Jesus Had to Come
Last evening, we talked about Christmas being a very special Feast day, the Birthday of Our Lord. We have not talked about WHY Jesus was born.
Do you know why? Why did God’s Son Jesus come to earth as a little baby, to live like people, like us? We call Jesus our Savior. From what did we need to be saved?
Let us look back to the beginning of time, when God made the world and all that is in it. He made a man and a woman, Adam and Eve, to be His special friends, to love Him. He wanted them to enjoy the world He had made and to live as His friends.
God gave Adam and Eve some very specific rules to follow. But they did not follow them. They wanted to live and do things their own way. God told them that because they had ruined their friendship with Him and sinned, they would die. He sent them away, out of the beautiful garden that He had made for them.
But Adam and Eve were very sorry. They needed to be saved. They needed to be saved from death and restore their friendship with God. What could they do?
Ever since that time, people have all had the same problem. None of us can fix the mess that Adam and Eve made by disobeying God. We all want to do things our own way from time to time. We do selfish things that spoil our friendship with God. And we all face the problem of death.
Think about yourself. Think of some of the ways you might have made God or other people sad. Do you see why you need a Savior? Are you beginning to see why Jesus the Savior was born? We’ll talk some more about “why” tomorrow night.
Come Lord Jesus, Come. We need you to save us from death. Help us always to be God’s friends and to obey Him.
Bible Readings: Genesis 3
Romans 3:10-24
Songs: Amazing Grace
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Christmas song of your choosing
Week One
Friday Sixth Day of Advent
God’s Special Plan and Promise
Remember how God was angry when Adam and Eve sinned by ignoring His rules and doing things their way? He sent the people out of the Garden of Eden and warned them that they had brought death into the world. But while God was angry, He still loved His people. He did not knock them down dead on the spot. He let them live a long time and have families. He helped them fashion clothes before making them leave the garden.
But most important, God had a saving plan for those people and for all people. He did not tell people the plan right away. He did not make it happen right away. He took His time. While He was waiting, God gave his people hints about His plan. He gave them promises like the one He gave his friend Abraham.
God told Abraham that he and his son and their sons would be the beginning of a big nation of people. From that nation would come a most special blessing for the whole world. What nation of people was Jesus born into? The nation of Israel, Abraham’s people.
Through some other special people,called prophets, God told more of His plan and made more promises, like when Isaiah announced:
“ But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham, My friend, …fear not for I am with you…I am your God…I will help you, says the Lord. Your Redemer is the Holy One of Israel” (Isaiah 41:8, 10, 14)
God’s plan was for Jesus to be born as the Holy One of Israel, because of His great love for His people. Just how Jesus became our Savior, we’ll talk about tomorrow.
Thank you God, for loving us. Thank You for planning to save us from the curse of death. Help us to always believe Your promises. Come, Lord Jesus Redeemer, come. Amen.
O Come O Come Emmanuel
The King of Glory
Christmas song of your choosing
Scripture Readings: Genesis 12:1-9, Jeremiah 31: 31-34
Week One
Seventh Day of Advent Saturday
How God Kept His Promise
Many many years after Abraham died, when God decided the time was just right, He carried out His special plan. He sent His own Son Jesus to earth to be our Redeemer, just as He had promised. Take some time to read the story of Jesus’ birth, the Christmas story in Luke 1:26-35 and Luke 2:1-11 this evening.
After those many years of waiting, there He was, the Savior of the world, a tiny little baby without a bed. What a surprise! And what good news! Can you think of any better good news in the whole world?
But God’s plan wasn’t finished yet. He did not save us from the curse of our sin just by being born. That was only the beginning.
Jesus grew up and lived a full life, the way God His Father wanted life to be lived. Jesus cared for people, healed tham and taught them about the Father’s love and His plan to forgive them. Then He died, but not becaue He had broken God’s law or done anything wrong. Jesus died on purpose, to take our death curse for us and to conquer it. God gave Jesus the power to win over death by coming alive again.
Now the curse of death is broken. Our body will still die someday but our soul will live on. If we live our life knowing, loving and serving God, with God's grace we will live with Him forever in Heaven. That is God’s plan and promise for us. And that is what makes Christmas such a happy celebration!
Prayer: Thank you God for sending Jesus to break the curse of death for us. For his sake, forgive all our sins. Keep us safe in Your love that we may be Your friends forever. Amen.
Songs: O Come O Come Emmanuel
The King of Glory
Christmas song of your choosing
Scripture Readings: Romans 5:6-6:4, John 3:16
In addition: Personalize John 3:16 by adding your own name as you read it aloud. Repeat for each family member. “For God so loved ____that He gave His only begotten Son, that if ____ believes in Him, ____will not perish but will have everlasting life. “
To Do: Take time this week to go to Confession, to cleanse your soul for the coming of the Christ Child.
You will need to prepare sugar cookie dough for the upcoming Advent week. Each person will have one cookie per person, per day. In my family that is five cookie eaters x seven days=35 cookies. The cookies should be cut into the following shapes: Crown, Rose, Scepter, Sun, Key, Star of David, Lamb. Perhaps you can find cutters or do them free hand. Make whatever amount of cookie dough that your family needs. After the cookies are cut and baked, store them carefully in a tin for the upcoming week. Starting tomorrow (Sunday, Day Eight thru Saturday, Day Fourteen) you will be eating the cookies while learning how these symbols apply to the coming of Christ. Here are the cookie patterns and recipe.