...THAT is the question!
I have gone back and forth with this in my mind for some time. I have received a number of emails since I began blogging again that expressed disappointment that I did not initially open comments on my posts. The underlying message in those emails is that keeping comments open seems "friendlier". I tend to agree and wanted to explain my reasons why, at first, I did not open them.
I really like having comments open and certainly enjoy the dialogue. I did not turn them off for any reason other than the fact that I had trouble with self discipline in the past and was afraid that I might struggle with it again this time around.
I used to keep the computer on all day and checked in whenever I felt like it. This was a source of distraction for my kids who were often engrossed in an activity only to find their mother online (checking her comments), even if only for a moment. Add up all of those moments and you have a mother who was not truly present for her children. That was my problem with my last blog--lack of discipline on my part.
I have become better at disciplining myself online since last summer. While I certainly have days that I am on more than I'd like, I have been careful to keep the computer off for most of the day. This has helped tremendously. Because of this, I've decided to keep the comments open on any future posts and have opened them on those posts that were once closed. I have enjoyed reading your ideas and feedback.
Many thanks to those of you who emailed with your thoughts on this.