Yesterday, our family had a celebration for Our Lady of Guadalupe. We have had a party for her almost every every year since Ben was a toddler. Usually we have enchiladas, spanish rice and punch, sometimes carry out tacos if time is short or there is a new baby. Often we play pin the tail on the donkey, do the mexican hat dance. One year we had a pinata. This year, we used the lovely ideas by Alice Gunther who so generously shares her creative Liturgical Teas at her blog Cottage Blessings. Last winter some ladies from our homeschooling group got together and used Alice's plans in a group setting. I vowed this year I would do them at home with my entire family. My mother came over and helped prepare the food. I wish I had photos of the food to share with you but I was so caught up in the festivities that I did not take any. Every thing on the menu was delicious, lovely and meaningful.
I placed a small potted rose plant next to Our Lady's picture on the table alongside our perpetual candle lit in her honor. The children behaved well and were attentive, the food was done on time and everyone had a wonderful evening. That doesn't all happen very often, where everything just seems to fall into place. In fact, earlier in the day everyone was upset and grumpy. It did not seem that our party was going to get off the ground. Children were irritable and our family was sad. Our dear friend has had some setbacks in his health, on the eve of the day we had hoped for a miracle. He had to postpone his trip to Mexico City. So we continue to pray on his behalf and are grateful to those of you who are praying along with us.
When the table was spread and the story of Our Lady was being read, everyone forgot their grumpiness and became quite grateful. Grateful for a home in which to live, for a plot of land on which to romp, for a family who loves them, for the friendship of those who truly care about our family. All of these things we recognize as having come from God, through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patron saint of our family.