There is a beautiful man named Packy who has spent his years on earth living out the Corporal Works of Mercy. He feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, gives shelter to the homeless and in addition, is a strong advocate for the unborn. This man puts compassion into action, living out his faith by helping others on a daily basis. He is a father, a grandfather and a friend to many.
Many years ago, Packy obtained a life changing favor after imploring Our Lady of Guadalupe's intercession. He has since made pilgrimages each year to Mexico City in gratitude, bearing with him a box of prayer requests from neighbors and friends in need. This is how our family met Packy. We had recently finished a novena to Mother Mary that ended prior to Our Lady's feast. A friend of ours was taking her prayer requests to his house prior to his pilgrimage to Mexico. She was to include a request for our family (as we were going through a very difficult time back then) but she forgot to include it in her envelope. As she was leaving, she remembered our request. She began to write it on the outside of the envelope when Packy asked her what she was writing. She explained our situation and Packy, not knowing us from Adam, told her he was going to help us as best he could. That is the kind of man he is.
In the time since that day, Packy has become a father figure to me, offering prayers and help for our difficult circumstance. He, together with his sweet wife, gave us new hope and has shown our family much love and generosity.
A few weeks ago, Packy was diagnosed with a terminal heart disease with a very short life expectancy. He is praying for a miracle to Our Lady of Guadalupe, who has interceded on his behalf many times. Although he is in a very weakened state, he and his wife are planning to go on their annual pilgrimage to Mexico City for Our Lady's feast to beg a miracle that he might recover from this disease. Our family is begging a miracle as well to Our Lady of Guadalupe on his behalf. Won't you consider praying or fasting for this good man for the next nine days? If we start today, we will end on the eve of Our Lady's feast. If you are willing and able, the following novena can be recited each day. I will post it each day as a reminder to those who can pray it. For those who cannot pray the novena, any prayers uttered, even a single Ave are so appreciated. Our family is grateful for each and every one you would offer up for our dear friend.
Much love,
Day One
Our Lady of Guadalupe, according to THY message in Mexico I venerate THEE as
the Virgin Mother of the true God for whom we live, the Creator of all the
world, Maker of heaven and earth. In spirit I kneel before thy most holy image
which thou didst miraculously imprint upon the cloak of the Indian Juan Diego,
and with the faith of the countless numbers of pilgrims who visit thy shrine, I
beg thee for this favor:
[Mention your request]
Remember, O Immaculate Virgin, the words thou hast spoken to thy devout client:
"I am a merciful mother to thee and to all thy people who love me and
trust in me and invoke my help. I listen to their lamentations and solace all
their sorrows and sufferings." I beg thee to be a merciful mother to me,
because I sincerely love thee and trust in thee and invoke thy help. I entreat
thee, our Lady of Guadalupe, to grant my request, if this should be the will of
God, in order that I may bear witness to thy love, thy compassion, thy help and
protection. Do not forsake me in my needs.
Recite "Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us" and Hail Mary three