My home is clean. Now, my goal is to keep it that way indefinitely! :) It makes me happy to walk from room to room and not trip on anything, to wake up in the morning and enter a room and find it clean. It is clean because I have been spending less time online (see number two) and working my tail off. In my home, there is a direct correlation.
I have recently become horribly convicted at the amount of time I have wasted online over the years. I mean, I completely squandered that time. I justified it because I thought if it was spent discussing homeschooling or issues of faith, it certainly couldn't be wasted. Well, it was, at least the majority of it. It was a huge distraction from what I should have been doing. The more time I spend offline, the more I realize that God put me in this family for a reason, to nurture it, not to escape it. Real life is much more interesting than the goings on and happenings of strangers. And my family is worth it. I got that clue many times over the years but I ignored it and second guessed it so I didn't have to change my ways. Stubborn girl that I am. So if you hear that same voice and have for years on end, listen to it.
I am not writing a book. :) I thought that was noteworthy because it seems that everyone and their brother is writing a book these days. How they find the time, I don't know, especially if they have a full time day job or a family to raise. I find it challenging to keep the house clean and give the people in it the attention they need. And really, I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said by someone much wiser. I am also not sure how I feel about the trend to self publish nowadays. A person can pretty much write anything and have it printed. I'm not saying all self published books aren't worth reading, not at all. Just that not everyone who can write for the general public, should. Still mulling the whole thing over.
The kids and I have been spending quite a bit of time outside: playing catch, eating fudgecicles, running through the sprinkler, writing on the sidewalk with chalk. The little kitty is a constant outdoor playmate for the girls. She is growing and loves to climb trees. Sometimes she climbs much higher than we can reach and mews loudly to be rescued.
I am not writing lesson plans. It is such an odd feeling since it has been such a huge part of my summer for so many years. We are just going to do essentially the same as last year with some very minor adjustments. It was our best year ever, mainly because we kept it simple and I stopped looking to everyone else for ideas. I am finally content in my homeschooling.
There was a coyote on our deck last weekend. My mother saw him while she was making coffee. She stays on the weekends fairly often. Anyhow, the other night I heard two coyotes howling in the woods. Still haven't seen them yet but hope to snag a photo if they come around again.
I am taking the kids to the beach today. :) The weather has been unseasonably cool this summer and we haven't gone nearly as often as we normally do. I am hoping to find some excellent beach glass. Catch you later!
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