I have always found it to be very therapeutic to dig in the dirt. I have a great love of gardening in general, whether it be perennial flowers, vegetables or little pots of pansies on the front porch. Yesterday, Christopher spent quite a while planting herbs in a divided basket. I used to have an herb garden at a previous home but the soil here is fairly shallow with a thick layer of shale beneath. There are a large number of tree roots to work around so we thought pots might be a better choice.
Parsley, sage, rosemary, lemon thyme, chives and cilantro
Benjamin took care of planting several sweet basil plants in pots for me. I have a favorite recipe for basil pesto that I make quite often in the summertime.
Mary chose a flower to plant that she could care for. We picked a sunny spot in the yard where she could watch it grow. She planted in memory of two goldfish pets that have died since we moved here.
Seashell and Treasure Box's little grave that Mary made.
Annie chose a Dahlia to plant.
As I mentioned, the property is rocky so we have pots anywhere we can find a bit of sun. I kind of like the way the yard is beginning to look, kind of whimsical and colorful with little niches and growing spots. There is a beautiful, magical garden center/family farm nearby that has tiny flower fairies to put in the pots and little teeny dollhouse sized wheelbarrows and garden tools for only a couple of dollars. I may try to sneak over there on the sly and get a couple to put in the girls' pots to surprise them. I think they would like that.