Yesterday, I made Pioneer Woman's Lasagna. And it really is The Best Ever...very meaty and cheesy and deliciously hearty! There is one is far too salty if you use the amount she recommends. And even when I cut the salt in half, it was pretty darn salty. So if you make it, don't add the salt to the cheese mixture, just to the meat mixture and even that you might want to cut down. Unless you are in love with salt.
And, because Sundays are a "little easter", I made Mary Ellen's Gingerbread Cake, which I have raved about in the past. Every time I make it, I thank God both for Mary Ellen and for whomever invented gingerbread. :) Scrumptuous!
The only problem is that there is a piece left and it keeps staring at me when I walk through my, on this very-clearly-a-fasting-day-of-Lent-and-no-longer-a-Sunday-in-Lent.