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April 29, 2006



This is such a beautiful post. What a blessing that you understand what life is all about!

Cay in La.

Beautiful, Rebecca.

Karen E.

Beautiful, Rebecca. Yes, yes, and yes to all of it.


Thank you Rebecca. I NEED this reminder all the time. Applying God's perspective to this vocation of motherhood brings freedom and joy...and thanksgiving. At the end of the day, even when its been a very trying one, there is nothing I'd rather be doing.

Mary Ellen Barrett

What a beautiful reflection Rebecca.


This is sooo where I am right now, thank you for sharing your words here, I won't have time to write anything poignant for Mother's day as we'll be moving so I'm linking you!! Hugs, and you're a GREAT mother!!


We are so blessed to be mothers of these little souls! Thank you for your kind words, ladies.

Donna Marie

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful post! Happy Mother's Day!!


Hi, I've only just stumbled across this blog, but could you tell me the source of that quote? I understand the Martins originally had a continent marriage and then realised they should have children....I am dealing with a personal situation where any discussion of how they came to this understanding this would be extremely valuable.

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