I simply love to powder my babies after their baths. Those fat little arms and legs with the "rubberband" creases are just crying out for a good dusting. Grandmothers of today will remember bathing their little ones in lavender, wrapping them up in a large cotton towel and dusting their soft skin with powder before dressing them again. Powdering not only smells nice and gives you a chance to massage that little angel but it serves an important purpose in absorbing moisture in baby's delicate creases: the little folds of baby's arms, behind her ears, between those tiny toes.
This is a ritual that, sadly, has gone by way of the milktruck. Baby powder has gotten a bad reputation in the past twenty years. The concern over babies breathing in the dangerous talc dust was enough to scare a generation of mothers away from the beautiful little habit of powdering their babies.
Our family has used Burt's Bees Dusting Powder with all four of our children. It is a cornstarch based powder with ground herbs that smell heavenly. No fake perfume-y scent here. The bottle says it is 99.63% natural, won't harm your baby and makes for a fun time after bath! Maybe you would like some...