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April 22, 2006



Well, here's your first comment!! Yeah, I love it, this is such a wonderful blog for us mommy's, I will be visiting often. Great Job, on another beautiful blog!


Beautiful blog! I especially love the banner.

I discovered the joy of sharing sleep with our last blessing. She will be one in a few weeks and is still going strong in our bed.


Thank you for creating such a beautiful tribute to one of God's greatest blessings!


Amen! Such has been our family's experience as well. I am glad this trend is coming back in vogue!

I love your blog; I just want to kiss those little baby toes at the top of it!

May God bless you and your family,


Thank you Meredith, Amy, Christine and Georgette for your kind words! The little toes are my ds (now 6!) when he was just 3 months old. My how they grow...


Thank you for sharing this story with the carnival. It seems that co-sleeping is becoming more and more acceptable these days. I'm glad because it definitelly works for us!


Thanks for stopping by Kailani! I am looking forward to the carnival!


We are fans of co-sleeping. Except when we get the occasional kick in the head, lol.

I rarely listen to the "experts" on children because most of them don't have any! ;)


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